Raja Ampat Papua Tour Pacakage 7 Days

BiayaRp 5,690,000
BiayaRp 5,690,000
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Paket Liburan Raja Ampat Papua 7 Days
(Belum ermasuk Tiket Penerbangan)

==English Version Click Here==

Starting Point : Airport Sorong

Ending Point : Airport Sorong

Biaya Tour : Rp. 5.690.000
(min 2 org, Harga sesuai jumlah peserta)
*Surcharge Rp.1.150.000 perorg, utk periode Peak Season Akhir Tahun (20 Des 2020 -10 Jan 2021)

Jadwal Kegiatan Paket Tour Raja Ampat :

Hari Pertama :

08.00 Bandara Penjemputan
09.00 Sorong – Waisai
11.00 Tiba di Sorong, makan siang, kemudian tour Batu Pensil (foto)

  • Teluk Kabui (Sighseeing)
  • Manyaifun (Trekking)
  • Sore hari Check in Homestay di Wayag
  • Makan malam istirahat

Hari Kedua

  • Sarapan
  • Tour Wayag 2 (Trekking)
  • Tour Wayag 1 (Trekking)
  • Pos Wayag (Snorkeling/berenang bersama hiu)

Hari Ketiga :

  • Piaynemo (Trekking)
  • Telaga Bintang (Trekking)
  • Sawendarek (Snorkeling)
  • Yenbuba (Snorkeling)
  • Pasir Timbul (Foto)

Hari Keempat :

  • Check out Hotel
  • 09.00 – 11.00 Waisai Sorong
  • 12.00 – 16.00 Sorong Misool
  • 17.00 Check in Homestay

Hari Kelima :

  • Balbulol
  • Gamfi/snorkeling
  • Batu pecah
  • Namlol
  • Goa putri termenung
  • Puncak harfat
  • Yapap
  • Banos
  • Balik Homestay.

Hari Keenam :

  • Puncak love karawapop
  • Kaleg
  • Yelit/pantai hiu
  • Pulau olobi
  • Pulau jam
  • Batu shunset
  • Balik Homestay.

Hari Ketujuh :

  • 07.30am keluar homestay
  • 08.00am misool – sorong (kapal cepat)
    —end of tour—



  • Transportasi penjemputan dari bandara pp, dan di waisai
  • Ferry sorong – waisai pp
  • Akomodasi sesuai pilihan
  • Makan sesuai program
  • Speedboat selama tour baik di raja ampat utara maupun raja ampat selatan
  • Tour Guide (indonesian)
  • Air mineral
  • Ferry Sorong Misool
  • Snorkeling set (Tanpa fin)
  • Retribusi tempat wisata


Exclude :

Tiket pesawat
Hotel di sorong (untuk ekstend)
Pin raja ampat (Rp. 500.000/wni, Rp. 1.000.000/Foreign tourist)
Pengeluaran pribadi lainnya (porter, souvenir, dll)

Prosedur Pemesanan dan Pembayaran Paket Tour Raja Ampat :
1. Untuk booking, mohon diemail copy KTP/ passport yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan ke depan dari tgl kembali.
Bisa diemail ke sales@holidaytour.co.id atau Whats App : +6281284217545
2. Depoit 50% dibayarkan pada saat booking
3. Pelunasan pembayaran sebulan sebelum keberangkatan
4. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan di office kami (klik alamat kami), atau melalui bank transfer ke rekening perusahaan :
BANK MANDIRI : 1250010381531 : PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya



===English Version===

Raja Ampat Papua 7 Days Tour Package
(Not including Flight Ticket)

Starting Point: Sorong Airport

Ending Point: Sorong Airport

Tour fee: Rp. 5,690,000
(min 2 people, price according to the number of participants)
* Surcharge of IDR 1.150,000 per person, for the End of Year Peak Season period (20 Dec 2020 -10 Jan 2021)

Raja Ampat Tour Package Activities Schedule:

The first day :

08.00 Airport Pick-up
09.00 Sorong – Waisai
11.00 Arrive in Sorong, have lunch, then tour the Pencil Stone (photo)

Kabui Bay (Sighseeing)
Manyaifun (Trekking)
Afternoon Check in Homestay at Wayag
Rest dinner
The second day

Tour Wayag 2 (Trekking)
Tour Wayag 1 (Trekking)
Pos Wayag (Snorkeling / swimming with sharks)
The third day :

Piaynemo (Trekking)
Telaga Bintang (Trekking)
Sawendarek (Snorkeling)
Yenbuba (Snorkeling)
Embossed Sand (Photo)
The fourth day :

Check out the hotel
09.00 – 11.00 Waisai Sorong
12.00 – 16.00 Sorong Misool
17.00 Check in Homestay
Fifth day :

Gamfi / snorkeling
Stone broke
Goa princess pensive
The peak of perfume
Balik Homestay.
Day Six:

The highlight of love karawapop
Yelit / shark beach
Olobi island
Island hours
Shunset stone
Balik Homestay.
Seventh day :

07.30am leave the homestay
08.00am misool – sorong (fast boat)
— end of tour —


Pick up transportation from PP airport, and in Waisai
Ferry Sorong – Waisai pp
Accommodation according to choice
Eat according to the program
Speedboat during the tour both in Raja Ampat Utara and Raja Ampat Selatan
Tour Guide (Indonesian)
Mineral water
Ferry Sorong Misool
Snorkeling set (Without fins)
Retribution for tourist attractions


Flight ticket
Hotels in Sorong (for extend)
Raja ampat pin (Rp. 500,000 / wni, Rp. 1,000,000 / foreign tourist)
Other personal expenses (porters, souvenirs, etc.)

Raja Ampat Tour Package Booking and Payment Procedures:
1. For bookings, please email a copy of the KTP / passport which is still valid for 6 months from the date of return.
Can be emailed to sales@holidaytour.co.id or Whats App: +6281284217545
2. 50% deposit is paid at the time of booking
3. Full payment of a month before departure
4. Payment can be made at our office (click on our address), or via bank transfer to a company account:
BANK MANDIRI: 1250010381531: PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya

–Paket Tour Domestik–

see Also : Paket Tour Raja Ampat Murah

Cari Tour Anda Di Sini

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