Starting Point : Ende, Flores Tengah/Maumere, Flores Timur
Ending Point : Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat
==English Version Click Here==
Biaya Tour : Rp.2.990.000
(min 4 org, Harga sesuai jumlah peserta)
*Surcharge Rp.950.000 perorg, utk periode Peak Season Akhit Tahun (20 Des 2020 -10 Jan 2021)
Hari 01. Jemput di Ende atau Maumere – Desa Moni
Penjemputan akan dilakukan oleh pemandu dan supir dari perusahan kami di hotel atau bandara Ende atau Maumere untuk memulau perjalanan wisata kelimutu Komodo. Selanjutnya akan berkendaraan ke Desa Moni, desa terdekat dibawah kaki gunung Kelimutu. Dalam perjalanan, peserta akan berhenti di beberapa desa adat dan tempat-tempat menarik lainnya untuk mengambil foto pemandangan alam yang sangat spektakuler. Bermalam di hotel pilihan anda desa Moni.
Hari 02. Desa Moni – Danau Kelimutu – Ende – Terbang ke Labuan Bajo – Check in Hotel di Labuan Bajo (MP)
Pada hari kedua program perjalanan wisata Kelimutu Komodo adalah diawali dengan bangun pagi-pagi jam 04;30 untuk berangkat menuju Danau Kelimutu dengan mobil. Perjalanan ini memakan waktu selama 30 menit sampai di tempat parkir, dan selanjutnya akan melakukan aktiviats soft trekking menuju puncak Kelimutu selama 30 menit. Disana anda akan menyaksikan pemandangan alam yang sangat menakjubkan serta menyaksikan keunikan Danau Tiga Warna Kelimutu yang sangat spektakuler, dan masyarakat local percaya bahwa tempat ini sangat suci dan keramat kerena mereka yakin bahwa semua arwah orang yang sudah meninggal akan tinggal di danau Kelimutu untuk selamanya. Setelah mengabadikan moment di puncak Kelimutu dengan berphoto-foto, kemudian berkendara kembali ke hotel untuk sarapan pagi. Setelah sarapan pagi di hotel kita akan berangkat menuju kota Ende kota terdekat dari danau Kelimutu. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Ende kita akan berhenti di desa adat Wologai, untuk melihat dan menyaksikan bangunan rumah-rumah tradisional milik suku Lio yang memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Setelah puas berphoto-foto, kita akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju kota Ende. Setibanya di kota Ende anda akan lansung diantar ke Bandara untuk terbang menuju kota Labuan Bajo. Setibanya di Labuan Bajo, anda akan di antar ke hotel pilihannya untuk bermalam.
Hari 03: Labuan Bajo – Pulau Kelor – Pulau Rinca – Pulau Padar (MS/MM)
Penjemputan akan di lakukan oleh pemandu kami, kemudian para peserta tour akan diantar menuju pelabuhan Labuhan Bajo untuk berlayar menuju Pulau Kelor. Aktifitas yang bisa dilakukan di Pulau Kelor adalah snorkeling, jalan-jalan sekitar pulau dan berphoto selfie di pantai pulau Kelor yang indah dan bersih serta berpasir putih, kemudian berlayar menuju Pulau Rinca. Proses registrasi akan dilakukan di post jaga Loh Buaya pulau Rinca sebelum memulai aktivitas trekking. Selanjutnya peserta akan dipandu oeleh Jagawana atau Ranger untuk melakukan aktivitas trekking menyusuri rute perbukitan untuk melihat lansung dari dekat kehidupan binatang Komodo tempat mereka berkambang. Selain binatang Komodo ada juga satwa liar lainnya yang hidup di pulau Rinca seperti Monyet ekor panjasng, Rusa, Babi hutan, Kerbau liar, Landak dan jenis satwa liar lainya. Setelah aktivitas trekking di pulau Rinca sudah berakhir, peserta tour akan kembali ke kapal untuk melanjutkan perjalanan menuju pulau Padar. Jika waktu memungkinkan, maka kegiatan trekking di Pulau Padar akan dilakukan sore hari. Makan Siang/Makan Malam dan Menginap di atas Kapal Wisata.
Hari 04: Pulau Padar – Pantai Pink – Pulau Komodo – Labuan Bajo (MP/MS/MM)
Makan Pagi diatas Kapal wisata. Selanjutnya para peserta tour akan dipandu untuk mendaki ke puncak bukit pulau Padar, dari atas bukit Pulau Padar anda akan disuguhkan dan dikagumi dengan panorama alam yang sangat spektakuler. Kemudaian, kembali ke kapal wisata dan berlayar ke Pantai Pink untuk bersenang-senang seperti berenang, snorkeling, berjemur dan berfoto selfie di pantai berpasir putih bersih dan Pink serta air laut yang sangat jernih. Melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Pulau Komodo untuk melakukan kegiatan trekking untuk melihat binantang Komodo dan satwa liar lainya. Proses registasi di post jaga sebelum melakukan kegiatan trekking. Setelah kegiatan wisata trekking di pulau Komodo berakhir, kembali ke kapal wisata untuk berlayar kembali ke pelabuhan Labuhan Bajo. Setibanya di pelabuhan, peserta tour akan dijemput, dan selanjutnya akan diantar ke hotel piliahannya untuk menginap. Makan Pagi/Makan Siang akan dilayani diatas Kapal wisata. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaa Paket Wisata Kelimutu Komodo telah berakhir. Kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaanya kepada kami, semoga perjalanan anda sangat menyenankan bersama kami. Selamat Jalan dan Salam Jabat Erat.
Harga Termasuk di dalam Paket Wisata Kelimutu Komodo adalah sbb:
Harga Tidak Termasuk di dalam Paket Wisata Kelimutu Komodo adalah sbb:
Yang Perlu dibawa selama berwisata ke Kelimutu Komodo adalah sbb:
Prosedur Pemesanan dan Pembayaran :
1. Untuk booking, mohon diemail copy KTP/ passport yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan ke depan dari tgl kembali.
Bisa diemail ke atau Whats App : +6281284556772
2. Depoit 50% dibayarkan pada saat booking
3. Pelunasan pembayaran sebulan sebelum keberangkatan
4. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan di office kami (klik alamat kami), atau melalui bank transfer ke rekening perusahaan :
BANK MANDIRI : 1250010381531 : PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya
Starting Point : Ende, Flores Tengah/Maumere, Flores Timur
Ending Point : Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat
Cost : Rp.2.990.000
(min 4 org, Harga sesuai jumlah peserta)
*Surcharge Rp.950.000 perorg, utk periode Peak Season Akhit Tahun (20 Des 2020 -10 Jan 2021)
Ittinerary :
Day 01. Pick up at Ende or Maumere – Moni Village
Pick-up will be carried out by a guide and driver from our company at the hotel or airport in Ende or Maumere to start your Kelimutu Komodo tour. Next, we will drive to Moni Village, the closest village at the foot of Mount Kelimutu. On the way, participants will stop at several traditional villages and other interesting places to take photos of the spectacular natural scenery. Overnight at the hotel of your choice in Moni village.
Day 02. Moni Village – Kelimutu Lake – Ende – Fly to Labuan Bajo – Check in Hotel in Labuan Bajo (MP)
On the second day of the Kelimutu Komodo travel program, it begins by getting up early at 04:30 to go to Lake Kelimutu by car. This trip takes 30 minutes to arrive at the parking lot, and then you will do soft trekking activities to the top of Kelimutu for 30 minutes. There you will witness the amazing natural scenery and witness the uniqueness of the three-color Kelimutu Lake which is very spectacular, and local people believe that this place is very holy and sacred because they believe that all the spirits of people who have died will live in Lake Kelimutu forever. After capturing the moment at the peak of Kelimutu by taking pictures, then drive back to the hotel for breakfast. After breakfast at the hotel, we will go to Ende, the nearest city from Lake Kelimutu. On the way back to Ende, we will stop at the traditional village of Wologai, to see and witness the traditional houses of the Lio tribe which have their own uniqueness. After being satisfied taking photos, we will continue our journey to the city of Ende. Upon arrival in the city of Ende, you will be immediately escorted to the airport to fly to the city of Labuan Bajo. Upon arrival in Labuan Bajo, you will be escorted to the hotel of his choice for the night.
Day 03: Labuan Bajo – Kelor Island – Rinca Island – Padar Island (MS / MM)
The pick-up will be carried out by our guide, then the tour participants will be escorted to the Labuhan Bajo port to sail to Kelor Island. Activities that can be done on Kelor Island are snorkeling, walking around the island and taking selfies on the beautiful, clean and white sandy beaches of Kelor Island, then sailing to Rinca Island. The registration process will be carried out at the Loh Buaya guard post on the island of Rinca before starting trekking activities. Furthermore, participants will be guided by Ranger or Ranger to do trekking activities along the hilly route to get a close-up view of the Komodo dragon’s animal life where they float. In addition to Komodo dragons, there are also other wildlife that live on the island of Rinca, such as long-tailed monkeys, deer, wild boar, wild buffalo, hedgehogs and other types of wildlife. After trekking activities on Rinca Island have ended, tour participants will return to the ship to continue the journey to Padar Island. If time allows, trekking activities on Padar Island will be carried out in the afternoon. Lunch / Dinner and Overnight on a Tour Boat.
Day 04: Padar Island – Pink Beach – Komodo Island – Labuan Bajo (MP / MS / MM)
Breakfast on a tour boat. Furthermore, the tour participants will be guided to climb to the top of the hill on Padar Island, from the top of the Padar Island hill you will be presented and admired by a very spectacular natural panorama. Then, go back to the tour boat and sail to Pink Beach for fun like swimming, snorkeling, sunbathing and taking selfies on the clean white and Pink sandy beaches and very clear sea water. Continue the journey to Komodo Island to do trekking activities to see Komodo dragons and other wildlife. The registration process is post guarded before trekking activities. After the trekking tour on Komodo island ends, return to the tour boat to sail back to Labuhan Bajo port. Upon arrival at the port, tour participants will be picked up, and then will be escorted to their selected hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast / Lunch will be served on board the tour. Thus, the implementation of the Kelimutu Komodo Tour Package has ended. We thank you for your trust in us, I hope your trip is very enjoyable with us
Prices included in the Kelimutu Komodo Tour Package are as follows:
Air-conditioned car during the tour according to the program
Accommodation according to the program (2-Night at Hotel, 1-Night on Boat Tour)
Eat during the trip as stated in the program (MP / MS / MM)
Tour boat for 2-days 1-night with air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned cabin upon request
Snorkeling tools (Masks & Flippers, Life Jackets)
Donations and fees – entrance fees at tourist attractions (except foreign tourists not included)
Experienced tour guide Accommodation + Food and Drink for Guide + Driver during the Kelimutu tour
Parking tax for 2-day ships sailing within Komdo National Park Coffee, tea and drinking water while on the tour boat
Prices not included in the Kelimutu Komodo Tour Package are as follows:
Flight ticket Hotel in Labuan Bajo the last night after the trip (we can help make hotel reservations for you)
Eat and drink while at the hotel.
Other personal expenses such as; shopping, telephone, tips, laundry, shopping for additional food, snacks etc.
Soft drink and alcohol
Travel insurance Other fees that are not part of our service.
What you need to bring during your trip to Kelimutu Komodo are as follows:
Camera plus extra battery, charger, power bank, Hats, t-shirts, long sleeves, trousers, socks, trekking shoes, jackets, sandals, towels, soap, toothpaste, raincoats during the rainy season, anti-mosquito creams. Swimsuit, sun block, glasses First aid kit, vitamins, or other types of medicines such as wind oil, eucalyptus oil, antimo etc.
Booking and Payment Procedures:
1. For bookings, please email a copy of your valid ID card / passport until the next 6 months from the date of return. Can be emailed to or Whats App: 0+6281284556772
2. 50% deposit is paid at the time of booking
3. Full payment a month before departure
4. Payment can be made at our office , or via bank transfer to company account: BANK MANDIRI: 1250010381531: PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya