Paket Tour Bromo 3 Hari

BiayaRp 1,890,000
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Paket Tour Bromo 3 Hari

Starting Point : Malang

Biaya Tour      : Rp.1.890.000 (min 4 org, Harga sesuai jumlah peserta)
*Surcharge Rp.950.000 perorg, utk periode Peak Season Akhir Tahun (20 Des 2020 -10 Jan 2021)

==English Version Click Here==

Jadwal Acara
Hari Ke-1

  • 09.00 : Peserta Dijemput di Stasiun/Bandara Malang.
  • 10.00 : Malang City Tour (Kampung Warna-Warni).
  • 11.00 : Makan Siang di Rumah Makan Lokal.
  • 12.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Kota Batu.
  • 13.00 : Mengunjungi Wisata Museum Angkut/The Legend Star.
  • 17.00 : Makan Malam di Rumah Makan Lokal.
  • 18.00 : Finish Day 1 & Istirahat di Hotel.

Hari Ke-2

  • 23.30 : Morning Call & Penjemputan Peserta.
  • 00.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Pos Bromo.
  • 02.30 : Transit Jeep di Pos Bromo.
  • 03.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Sunsrise Point dengan Jeep.
  • 04.00 : Menikmati Sunrise di Penanjakan dengan Menikmati Segelas Kopi/Teh.
  • 06.00 : Mendaki ke Kawah Bromo – Jalan Kaki/Naik Kuda.
  • 08.00 : Mengunjungi spot foto Widodaren & Lautan Pasir.
  • 09.00 : Mengunjungi Padang Savana & Bukit Teletubbies.
  • 10.00 : Perjalalanan Kembali ke Pos Bromo.
  • 11.00 : Transit & Perjalanan Kembali ke Kota Malang.
  • 13.00 : Makan Siang di Rumah Makan Lokal.
  • 14.00 : Kembali ke Hotel & Istirahat.
  • 17.00 : Makan Malam di Rumah Makan Lokal.
  • 18.00 : Mengunjungi Wisata Malang Night Paradise.
  • 18.00 : Finish Day 2 & Istirahat

Hari Ke-3

  • 08.00 : Makan Pagi di Hotel.
  • 09.00 : Free Program (Berenang di Hotel/Packing).
  • 11.00 : Check Out Hotel & Penjemputan Peserta.
  • 12.00 : Makan Siang di Rumah Makan Lokal.
  • 13.00 : Mengunjungi Wisata Belanja Oleh-Oleh.
  • 15.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Bandara/Stasiun Malang.
  • 16.00 : Pengantaran Peserta & Tour Berakhir.

* Jam Makan Siang, Makan Malam & Tempat Makan disesuaikan dengan kondisi di lapangan Biaya tersebut sudah termasuk :

  • Transportasi Sesuai Jumlah Peserta
  • Parkir Semua Lokasi
  • Tiket Masuk Semua Wisata Gate Utama
  • Jeep Bromo
  • Penginapan 2 Malam
  • Makan 5x Selama Tour (diluar breakfast hotel)
  • Snack, Air Mineral Selama Tour
  • Merchandise (Totebag, Topi Kupluk, Sarung Tangan)

Biaya tersebut belum termasuk :

  • Sewa Kuda di Bromo
  • Pengeluaran Diluar Fasilitas

Perlu disiapkan :

  • Jaket Tebal
  • Sandal / sepatu yang nyaman untuk tracking
  • Headlamp (kalau punya)

Prosedur Pemesanan dan Pembayaran :

1. Untuk booking, mohon diemail copy KTP/ passport yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan ke depan dari tgl kembali. Bisa diemail ke atau Whats App : +6281284556772
2. Depoit 50% dibayarkan pada saat booking
3. Pelunasan pembayaran sebulan sebelum keberangkatan
4. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan di office kami (klik alamat kami), atau melalui bank transfer ke rekening perusahaan : BANK MANDIRI : 1250010381531 : PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya


===English Version===


Bromo Tour Package 3 Days

Starting Point: Malang

Tour Fee: Rp. 1,890,000
(min 4 people, price according to the number of participants)
* Surcharge Rp. 950,000 per person, for the End of Year Peak Season period (20 Dec 2020 -10 Jan 2021)

Day 1

09.00: Participants are picked up at Malang Station / Airport.
10.00: Malang City Tour (Colorful Village).
11.00: Lunch at a local restaurant.
12.00: Journey to Batu City.
13.00: Visit the Museum of Transport / The Legend Star Tour.
17.00: Dinner at a local restaurant.
18.00: Finish Day 1 & Rest at Hotel.

Day 2

23.30: Morning Call & Participant Pick Up.
00.00: Journey to Pos Bromo.
02.30: Jeep Transit at Bromo Post.
03.00: Travel to Sunsrise Point by Jeep.
04.00: Enjoying Sunrise at Penanjakan by Enjoying a Glass of Coffee / Tea.
06.00: Hike to Bromo Crater – Walk / Ride Horse.
08.00: Visit the Widodaren & Ocean Sand photo spot.
09.00: Visit Savana Field & Teletubbies Hill.
10.00: Travel Back to Bromo Post.
11.00: Transit & Travel Back to Malang City.
13.00: Lunch at a local restaurant.
14.00: Back to Hotel & Rest.
17.00: Dinner at a local restaurant.
18.00: Visit Malang Night Paradise Tour.
18.00: Finish Day 2 & Rest

Day 3

08.00: Breakfast at Hotel.
09.00: Free Program (Swimming at the Hotel / Packing).
11.00: Hotel Check Out & Participant Pick Up.
12.00: Lunch at a local restaurant.
13.00: Visiting Souvenir Shopping Tour.
15.00: Travel to Malang Airport / Station.
16.00: Participant Delivery & Tour Ends.
* Lunch, Dinner & Place to Eat are adjusted to conditions in the field


This fee includes:

Transportation according to the number of participantsParking All Locations
Entrance Ticket for All Main Gate Tours
Bromo Jeep
2 Nights Lodging
Meals 5x During the Tour (outside the hotel breakfast)
Snack, Mineral Water During the Tour
Merchandise (Totebags, Beanie Hats, Gloves)

This fee does not include:

Rent a horse in Bromo
Expenditures Outside Facilities

Need to prepare:

Thick jacket
Comfortable sandals / shoes for tracking
Headlamp (if you have)

Ordering and Payment Procedure:

1. For bookings, please email a copy of the KTP / passport which is still valid for 6 months from the date of return. Can be emailed to or Whats App: +6281284556772
2. 50% deposit is paid at the time of booking
3. Full payment of a month before departure
4. Payment can be made at our office (click on our address), or via bank transfer to the company’s account: BANK MANDIRI: 1250010381531: PT. Surya Cempaka Mulya

–Paket Tour Pulau Komodo–


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